Saturday, May 30, 2009

Zanzibar Ship Capsizes, 3 Dead!

Few days ago it was the commemoration of the tragic MV Bukoba accident, yesterday the news of the capsized ship sent shockwaves in zanzibar and Tanzania mainland. Below is the story covered by 'The Times' of South Africa;
At least three people drowned when a cargo ship capsized off the coast of Zanzibar, a port official said.
Mustaf Jumbe, head of Zanzibar’s main port of Stone Town, said search operations were launched late yesterday and were ongoing.
"So far, we have recovered three bodies and 27 people were rescued," he told AFP.
The MV Fatih had left Dar-es-Salaam on Friday afternoon and sank just before berthing at Stone Town around 9:00 pm (1800 GMT).
Its captain Usi Ali Usi told reporters on Saturday that he experienced problems with the ship’s rudder and then realised there was a big leak on the hull.
The total number of people on the boat could not be immediately established.
Zanzibar is Tanzania’s semi-autonomous island.
Source: The Times of South Africa.

Miaka 11 ya MV Bukoba, Watanzania Bado tunarudia Makosa!

Makala hii imeandikwa na Deus Bugaywa kuadhimisha miaka 20 ya Ajali ya MV Bukoba katika mtandao wa Nimeona ni muhimu kwani inatoa 'uamsho' na mbadiliko wa mtazamo jinsi tunavyoziangalia ajali kama nchi.Ni makala ndefu kidogo lakini yaliyomo ni ya muhimu sana. Tafadhali ifuatilie hapa chini:
LEO inatimia miaka kumi na moja tangu itokee ajali mbaya ya kuzama kwa meli ya mv Bukoba, iliyokuwa ikifanya safari zake kati ya Bandari ya Mwanza na Bukoba.
Kama zilivyo ajali nyingine nyingi kubwa, ajali ya kupinduka na hatimaye kuzama kwa meli ya mv Bukoba ilipoteza maisha ya mamia ya Watanzania na kuwasababishia hasara kubwa ya mali.
Umekuwa msemo wa kawaida sasa kuwa, kufanya kosa si kosa, bali kurudia kosa ndilo kosa. Kwamba mtu hujifunza kutokana na makosa.
Kwa kuzingatia msemo huu, Watanzania walitegemea kuwa baada ya kutokea kwa ajali hii mbaya katika Ziwa Victoria, ndio ungekuwa mwanzo wa kuchukua tahadhari ya juu kabisa kwa usalama wa vyombo vyetu majini.
Si tu ilitarajiwa hivyo lakini pia ahadi nzito nzito zilizotolewa wakati wa msiba huo wa kitaifa na Rais Mstaafu wa Awamu ya Tatu, Benjamin Mkapa, ambaye ndio tu kwanza serikali ilikuwa ikijiweka sawa madarakani, zilitoa faraja na matumaini kwamba ajali kama hii ingebaki kuwa simulizi katika historia ya Ziwa Victoria.
Umati uliojaa simanzi na majozi juu ya msiba uliosababishwa na ajali hiyo uliahidiwa na Mkapa kwamba, serikali itajizatiti kuchukua hatua za tahadhari za hali ya juu kuhakikisha usalama katika vyombo vyetu vya usafiri.
Kwamba serikali ingehakikisha usafiri wa majini na nchi kavu hauwi tena wa kubahatisha, na hatua madhubuti zitachukuliwa kuhakikisha ajali zinazozuilika haziwi tena chanzo cha mauti kwa wananchi wa nchi hii.
Sina hakika kama ahadi hizo za serikali zilikuwa za ‘kisanii’ kwa maana kwamba zilitolewa kwa kusoma ‘mood’ ya waombolezaji walikuwepo pale au zilikuwa za dhati kwa maana halisi ya neno ahadi.
Tena sina hakika vile vile kama zilitokana na kile kisemwacho wanasiasa mara nyingi ‘husema wasichokiimaanisha na humaanisha wasichokisema’.
Nilicho na uhakika nacho na ambacho ninakishuhudia kila uchao katika suala zima la usafiri wa majini na hasa ndani ya Ziwa Victoria ni kwamba safari za ziwani humo sasa si za uhakika kuliko ilivyokuwa miaka kumi iliyopita.
Kilichopo sasa ni kama serikali imekwenda likizo ya mbali na wala haina matarajio ya kurudi karibuni kuangalia mwenendo wa mambo ulivyo katika safari nyingi zinazohusisha vyombo vya usafiri ziwani humo.
Unaweza ukaonekana kituko kwa watu wenye akili timamu, ukisema kwamba pamoja na Ziwa Victoria kuwa moja ya rasilimali kubwa na msingi wa mhimili wa mapato kwa famili nyingi za wakazi wa Kanda ya Ziwa na hata kwa uchumi wa taifa, Ziwa Victoria sasa lina sifa moja kubwa ya kuwa kaburi la uhakika kwa wasafiri wanaolitumia.
Sababu ya kuwa na sifa hii ni moja ambayo mimi sipati kigugumizi kuiita uzembe wa vyombo vinavyohusika na udhibiti wa vyombo vya usafiri ziwani humo.
Imekuwa si habari ya kushangaza wala kusikitisha kwa wakazi wa eneo la Kanda ya Ziwa kila siku kusikia watu wanne au watatu wamekufa maji wakati mtumbwi wao ulipopigwa wimbi na kuzama na kusababisha mauti kwa watu hao.
Habari ya kushangaza ni iwapo zikitangazwa taarifa za kumalizika kwa wiki nzima bila watu kadhaa kufa katika Ziwa Victoria, chanzo kikiwa ubovu wa vyombo vya kusafiria.
Sina hakika hasa wajibu wa Sumatra na wakala wake katika kuhakikisha usalama wa wasafiri katika Ziwa Victoria ni kutoa makalipio na ‘kujitoa’ kuhusika, kila ajali inapotokea au ni kuhakikisha kuwa sheria na taratibu zinazotawala mienendo ya vyombo vya majini zinafuatwa ili kupunguza ajali na kuzuia kabisa zile zinazozuilika.
Itakumbukwa kuwa baada ya kupotea na baadaye kuzama kwa meli ya mv Nyamageni, baadaye ilidhihirika kuwa meli hiyo ambayo imetengenezwa maalumu kwa ajili ya kubeba mizigo, pia huwa inatumika kubeba abiria.
Zaidi iligundulika kuwa pamoja na kukiuka taratibu za usafirishaji kwa kubeba abiria badala ya mizigo, pia ilikuwa na matatizo mengi ya kiufundi, tukiacha yale ya kutokuwa na vifaa muhimu vya kujiokoa wakati wa hatari.
Lakini katika mshangao wa kila mtu utetezi wa SUMATRA ulikuwa, wa kulaumu wale walioiruhusu meli hiyo kuendelea na safari zake wakati ilishapigwa marufuku kusafiri majini muda mrefu.
Mambo yakaishia hapo, watu wakaandaa taarifa yao ya kujitetea, waliobahatika kuokota ndugu zao walioibuka majini baada ya kufa maji, wakaenda kuwazika na waliopata hasara wakajuta kuzaliwa, mambo yakaisha.
Hivi karibuni, taifa limenusurika kupata msiba mwingine mkubwa, Mungu ashukuriwe kwa kutuepusha na balaa hilo, baada ya boti ya mv Mlinzi kutoboka na kuzama wakati ikiwa imewabeba Waziri wa Maendeleo ya Mifugo na viongozi wengine wa serikali na Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) waliokuwa wakisafiri kwenda wilayani Ukerewe.
Kama kawaida yao Sumatra, hawakukawia kutoa taarifa kwa mfumo ule ule wa taarifa zao za kulaumu, kama ilivyokuwa taarifa yao baada ya kuzama kwa meli ya mv Nyamageni, taarifa yao ilieleza kuwa, boti hiyo mali ya Idara ya Maliasili mkoani hapa, ilipigwa marufuku kusafiri tangu mwaka 2005.
Mlolongo wa ajali hizi unaonyesha wazi kuwa wahusika waliokabidhiwa dhamana ya kuhahakisha hali ya usalama katika vyombo vya usafiri ziwani hapa, hawapo kazini, wako usingizini, huwa wanaibuka yanapotokea maafa, na kwa sababu usingizi unakuwa haujawaisha machoni, wanakurupuka na kusema lolote, na wanafanya hivyo kwa sababu wanajua hao wanaowatamkia kauli hiyo ni mbumbumbu.
Nimetafakari sana kabla ya fikra zangu kunielekeza huko, nimejiuliza bila kupata majibu kwamba hizi marufuku za Sumatra zina maana gani hasa?
Kwamba chombo kimezuiliwa kufanya safari kwa ajili ya usalama wa watu na mali zao, lakini kinaendelea na safari zake kama kawaida mpaka kinapata ajali, ndipo Sumatra wanaibuka tena na kukumbuka kuwa walikwishazuia chombo hicho kusafirisha abiria au mizigo.
Kauli kama hizi au kwa uhakika kama wanavyosema wao ‘ripoti’ zinawasaidia nini Watanzania na wale waliokaidi amri ya mamlaka hiyo halali iliyopo hapo ilipo kwa ajili ya kufanya kazi kwa niaba ya serikali?
Hivi inawezekanaje Sumatra walioaminiwa na serikali kuhahakisha usalama wa Watanzania na mali zao wanapokuwa wanasafiri katika Ziwa Victoria wanatoa maagizo muhimu sana kwa maisha ya Watanzania kisha hawafuatilii utekelezaji wake?
Jambo moja ni wazi kwamba hapa tatizo si wasafirishaji, bali ni Sumatra.
Ingawa sijui ni kwanini wenzetu wa Zanzibar waliwatimua jamaa hawa, wanaoitwa Sumatra wasifanye kazi huko kwao, lakini ninadhani sababu iliyowafanya wakafikia uamuzi huo ni kama hii ya kushindwa kutekeleza majukumu muhimu kabisa ya usalama wa Watanzania huku kikiwa ni chombo cha serikali ambacho ninaamini kina mamlaka yote ya kuhakikisha maagizo yake yanatekelezwa.
Mv Nyamageni na mv Mlinzi, ni ushahidi wa kutosha kabisa kuwa Sumatra wameshindwa kufanya kazi waliyopewa na serikali, meli hizi, ingawa zilizuiliwa na Sumatra kufanya safari zake, ziliendelea kufanya hivyo.
Na kama si kupata ajali, ina maana hadi hivi leo zingekuwa zinaendelea kufanya safari zake na kwamba Sumatra ambayo ilizipiga marufuku haipo.
Kwa ushahidi huo, Sumatra ni ya nini? Kuna faida gani kama si hasara ya kulipa watu mishahara ya bure? Na je, ni dhambi kwa Sumatra kufukuzwa kutoka eneo la Kanda ya Ziwa kama ilivyofukuzwa kutoka Zanzibar?
Pengine maneno haya yanaweza kutafsiliwa kuwa ni makali kutumiwa katika makala hii, lakini kwa watu makini, wenye kutafakari kwa sawasawa watakubaliana na mimi kuwa ukali wa maneno si mzito kama uhai wa Watanzania ninaoulilia.
Pamoja na kutokuwa katika kudhibiti vyombo vibovu visisafiri majini, Sumatra pia wameonyesha uzembe mkubwa katika kuhahakisha kuwa vyombo vya usafiri majini vinakuwa na vifaa vya kujiokoa.
Kwa kiasi kikubwa kunusurika kwa viongozi waliokuwa katika mv Mlinzi, kulitokana na wao kuwa wamevaa maboya, (life jackets) tangu mwanzo wa safari yao, vinginevyo haina shaka kwamba hivi sasa tungekuwa tunaongea habari nyingine.
mv Mlinzi inamilikiwa na Idara ya Maliasili hivyo kuwa na maboya ni jambo lilitorajiwa na wengi, lakini vyombo vingi binafsi vinavyofanya safari zake katika Ziwa Victoria havina kabisa maboya hayo na vile ambavyo vinayo hayatoshelezi abiria wanaosafiri na vyombo hivyo.
Na la kushangaza zaidi ni kwamba hata hayo maboya machache yaliyo katika baadhi ya vyombo hivi hayavaliwi na abiria.
Hili Sumatra inalijua, kwa sababu vyombo hivi vinatia nanga kila siku katika maeneo mbalimbali ya ufukweni mwa ziwa hili.
Inasikitisha kueleza ukweli kwamba idadi kubwa ya abiria ambao licha ya kutojua kutumia maboya hayo, lakini pia hawajui hata mahali yalipo ndani ya vyombo hivyo.
Ushahidi wa hili ni mmoja wa walionusurika katika ajali ya mv Mlinzi, Mwenyekiti wa CCM Mkoa wa Kagera, Pius Ngeze, aliyekaririwa akieleza kuwa licha ya kupewa maboya hayo kabla ya kuanza safari, hawakupewa maelekezo ya namna ya kuyatumia.
Ngeze anaeleza kuwa kutokana na kutojua kulitumia boya alilokuwa nalo, alijikuta likimfunika na laiti kama Anthony Diallo, Waziri wa Maendeleo ya Mifugo asingekuwa jasiri na kuthubutu kumvuta wakati boya hilo likimzamisha, sasa angekuwa marehemu.
Inasikitisha, jinsi Watanzania tunavyochezea maisha yetu, jinsi ambavyo tumeshindwa kujifunza kutokana na ajali ya mv Bukoba licha ya ahadi nyingi zilizotolewa wakati huo kuwa tahadhari kubwa itachukukiwa katika usafiri wa majini.
Kunusurika kwa viongozi wetu hawa kufa maji ndani ya ziwa lile lile lililozamisha ndugu zetu wengi na kuwazika humo, liwe fundisho kubwa, la pili, ni kuanza kuchukua tahadhari zote za kuhakikisha usalama wa usafiri katika maeneo mbalimbali ya maziwa na baharini.
Lakini pia tunapoadhimisha miaka 11 tangu maisha na mamia ya ndugu zetu yalipopotea ziwani, tukumbuke yale tuliyoahidi kufanya ili kuhakikisha tunaepuka uwezekano wa kutokea kwa ajali kama hiyo kwa mara nyingine.
Inawezekana tunakaribia kuchelewa lakini bado nafasi ya kujisahihisha tunayo, uwezo wa kurekebisha hali ya usafiri wetu pia tunao, na sababu za msingi kuchukua hatua za haraka kurekebisha hali ya sasa na kufanya safari zetu kuwa ni sehemu ya amani na si chanzo cha mauti tunazo.
Maadhimisho ya miaka 11 ya kumbukumbu ya ajali ya mv Bukoba, yazirejeshe nia zetu, katika dhamira ya dhati kuzuia ajali hizi ambazo kila siku zinaua Watanzania wenzetu.
Vinginevyo hatuwezi kukwepa kufananishwa na msemo wa sikio la kufa halisikii dawa.
Mungu awapumzishe pema peponi wale wote waliotutoka katika ajali ya mv Bukoba na awape faraja na matumaini wale wote walioondokewa na wapendwa wao katika ajali hiyo.
0754 449 421

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Driver Gets Years For killing police Officer!

A matatu driver was has been jailed for five years for killing a police officer through dangerous driving.
Phillip Muli Sembe,38, pleaded guilty that he caused the of Constable Martin Shikuku on the Nairobi-Thika highway on May 21.
Mr. Shikuku was with a fellow police officer, mr. mohammed Ishmael, when he was hit from behind by the speeding matatu which veered off the road after the driver lost its control.
Fatally injured
The officers were returning to Kasarani Police Station around 11pm after concluding their beat duties on the highway, Nairobi chief magistrate Gilbert mutembei heard.
"The impact of the accident caused fear and awe to PC Ishmael who ducked into the thickets at the roadside. He returned to the scene later only to realise his colleague had suffered serious head, chest and leg injuries", the prosecutor told the court.
The fatally injured officer was taken to Kenyatta National Hospital but was declared dead on arrival.
In mitigation Sembe said that was his first accident since he begun driving.He pleaded for leniency saying that he was remoseful that a law enforcer lost his life.
"You will serve five years in jail due to your recklessness but you have 14 days to appeal", Mr. mutembei told him.
Source: Nation
yES! I think bongolanders have got something to learn here, au sio?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

NEW PROGRESS.....Tyson's Daughter,4,Dies After Accident!

PHOENIX (AP) - The 4-year-old daughter of boxer Mike Tyson died at a hospital on Tuesday, a day after her neck apparently got caught in a treadmill cord at her Phoenix home, police said.
Exodus Tyson had been on life support and police have said their investigation showed her injury on Monday was a "tragic accident."
"There are no words to describe the tragic loss of our beloved Exodus," the family said in a statement. "We ask you now to please respect our need at this very difficult time for privacy to grieve and try to help each other heal."
Police said Exodus either slipped or put her head in the loop of a cord hanging under the console. Her 7-year-old brother found her and told their mother. She took Exodus off the cord, called police and tried to revive her.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mike Tyson's Daughter Critically Injured!

PHOENIX (AP) - The near-fatal strangulation of boxer Mike Tyson's 4-year-old daughter appears to be a "tragic accident," police say.
Exodus Tyson was on life support Tuesday after apparently accidentally hanging herself on a cord dangling from a treadmill in her modest central Phoenix home.
"Somehow she was playing on this treadmill, and there's a cord that hangs under the console — it's kind of a loop," police Sgt. Andy Hill said. "Either she slipped or put her head in the loop, but it acted like a noose, and she was obviously unable to get herself off of it."
Exodus' 7-year-old brother found her Monday and told their mother, who was in another room. She took Exodus off the cord, called 911 and tried to revive her.
Responding officers and firefighters performed CPR on Exodus as they rushed her to a nearby hospital, where she was in "extremely critical condition" and on life support, Hill said.
Hill said former heavyweight champion Tyson,
Hill said former heavyweight champion Tyson, 42, had been in Las Vegas but flew to Phoenix immediately after learning of the accident.
"The Tyson family would like to extend our deepest and most heartfelt thanks for all your prayers and support, and we ask that we be allowed our privacy at this difficult time," the boxer said in a statement.

Boeing Sued Over Kenya Airways Crash!

Families who lost loved ones accuse makers of operating a 'dangerous' plane!
Fresh questions have emerged over the safety of the Kenya Airways plane that crashed in Cameroon, killing 114 people.
Three British families who lost their loved ones when the Boeing 737-800 plane crashed into a swamp two years ago have gone to court, accusing the plane's manufacturers of operating a ''defective and unreasonably dangerous'' aircraft.
yesterday, Kenya Airways, which lost all its cabin crew during the tragedy, could not be drawn into commenting on the suit, lodged in Chicago, US, this month.
"Kenya Airways cannot respond since the matter is in court" said the national carrier's communications manager, Ms Veronica Kaigai, in a short text message to the 'Nation'.
The Cameroonian government, the lead investigators into the the cause of the accident, is yet to release its findings.
Read more on the 'Nation'

Matatuu na Daladala Dugu Moja!

Tembea! Hakuna kusimama ovyo ovyo! Inaonekana hii ndiyo amri anayotoa askari wa usalama barabarani wa Kenya!
Source: Nation


Nafikiri watumiaji wa Mandela Road na Morogoro Road hasa eneo la Ubungo mataa, wameshawaona vijana hawa wanafungua koki za magari ya mafuta na kuiba mafuta. Ninachohofia mimi ni pale wanapofungua hizo koki halafu wanaacha mafuta yanamwagika katika barabara. Je, mtu akirusha sigara inayowaka katika mafuta hayo nini kitatokea? Ni hatari jamani.
Photo source:Mwananchi

Monday, May 25, 2009

MAONI...!Pamoja na Pole Kwa Mwakyembe.........

Yafuatayo ni maoni ya msomaji wa gazeti la 'Mwananchi' aliyejitambulisha kwa jina moja la Philip kutoka Canada mwenye email;

Nampa pole nyingi Mbunge wa Kyela Dk. Harrison Mwakyembe kwa ajali aliyopata.Lakini nafikiri halikuwa jambo la busara kwa dereva wake kujaribu kulipita lori lililosababisha ajali hiyo hasa baada ya kuomba njia mara tatu bila mafanikio.
Hiyo ilikuwa ni ishara tosha kwamba dereva wa lori hakutaka apitwe na kwamba angeweza kufanya lolote lile. Kama dereva aliye mbele yako anakataa kukupisha ina maana kwamba huna nafasi kupita.Hata kama alikuwa anataka kuwapisha, kwa kuwa yeye alikuwa mbele, huenda aliona kwamba hapo haikuwa mahali penye usalama kuwaruhusu wapite. Kwa hiyo, walipaswa kuwa wavumilivu.Kama dereva hazingatii kanuni za barabarani, basi ingekuwa jambo jema kuchukua namba ya usajili baada ya kuona kwamba alikuwa hataki kuwapisha yaani kabla ya kujaribu kulipita.Tatu, kwenye mlima na mterenko si busara kupita magari yaliyo mbele yako mpaka unapokuwa na uhakika ni salama kufanya hivyo. Nne, kama ni kweli Dk. Mwakyembe alimwambia dereva wake alipite lori hilo,basi dereva wake angemshauri kwamba si salama kufanya hivyo kwa nguvu.Dereva wa gari anapaswa kuamua mwenyewe bila kufuata ushauri wa abiria.
Wadau mnasemaje juu ya hili?

Shimo lililosababisha ajali ya Dk. Mwakyembe

Gari la Dk. Mwakyembe baada ya ajali.

Picha kutoka: Jamii Forums

World's Oldest Blogger Maria Amelia Lopez Dies!

At 97 Spanish grandmother Maria Amelia Lopez was until Saturday May23, 2009 the Worlds Oldest Blogger until her death.Maria Amelia Lopez used to blog at where she wrote on various issues.Up till her death her blog had garnered more than 1.5 million visits from visitors from over 5 continents.Her determination to blog at that age illustrates the determination that she had as a person to remain technologically relevant and also the power of blogging to empower and better the lives of people despite age or other backgrounds.Yes !Blogging is serious business.Maria Amelia Lopez story is simply inspiring and motivating, now we await to see who will be the current reigning Worlds most oldest blogger, how about gifting your grandmother /grandfather a blog?
Source: A Nairobian's Pespective -

Ajali ya pikipiki!

Ni kitu cha kawaida siku hizi kuona ajali kama hizi hasa ambazo zinawahusisha waendesha pikipiki.Kadri pikipiki zinavyoongezeka, na ajali za vyombo hivyo zinavyoshamiri. Mtazamo wangu ni kwamba, jitihada za makusudi zifanyike ili kudhibiti hali hii.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Traffic Jams and the Hectic Life of East African Cities!

''...workers in Nairobi's or Kampala CBD can spend up to 4 hours of every working day communiting to and from work, often leaving their homes as early as 5.30am in the morning and returning after 8pm or 9pm at night. This suggests that in addition to 8 sleeping hours and a further 5 to 6 hours with family, eating meals and carrying out domestic tasks; the 8 hours designated for the workplace have to be shared with other important relaxation and social tasks such as interaction with friends and relatives.
And it is not just lower-income cadres of workers that are wasting valuable productive hours in chaotic private-sector managed public transport systems. Business travellers routinely opt for evening flights(and overnight stays) between the region's capital cities so as to avoid the two to three-hour morning drives to and from each of the international airports..........''
yES! It seems East Africans share the same problems when it comes to boring traffic jams! any suggestions? comments?

Clearing The Road To Productivity In East Africa!

An occupational hazard for Africa's citizens is that now and again, their heads of state need to drive around their nation's roads. This should not be a bad thing, except that for some reason, the typical African leader prefers to move around in motorcades of a dozen or more large and particularly expensive vehicles.
In kenya, where we do not normally do things by half measures, there are three executive motorcades to contend with-that of the president,(the largest), and those of the vice president and the prime minister. This only adds to the unique challenges of working in a continent increasingly recognized as having some of the most congested urban roads in the world.
What is inescapable however is that Africa has developed a reputation as having some of the worst indicators when it comes to the cost of doing business. In fact, in a running survey carried out by the International Finance Corporation and the World Bank in 2009, Kenya ranked 82nd out of 181 countries in terms of overall cost of doing business;Uganda and Tanzania ranked 111th and 127th respectively while Rwanda and Burundi ranked 139th and 177th. As reference point, South Africa, Nigeria and zimbabwe ranked 32nd, 118th and 158th resectively.
Why does it cost almost 50% more to build standard width tarmac road in Kenya than it does in neighbouring Tanzania? Why is it twice as expensive to build an all-weather road in East Africa than in South Asia?
Read more on The East african. Source:

Saturday, May 23, 2009

"Caught in the Middle of the Act"!

These two drivers were caught on the wrongsite of the road. The two cars T254 AZC and T803 AZK were caught with the special police unit known as ''voda-fasta".
I was wondering why the policeman was arguing with the drivers instead of 'booking' them for the wrong act.

Accident on the 'Service Road'!

They were escaping the traffic jam by using the service road, but they ended up in this accident!It was a car registration number T368 AWT a passanger bus and a Toyota Landcruiser with registration number T470 AUV
The accident and quarelling between the two drivers
Conflict is resolved,everyone drives away

Kutoka MOI Leo!

Dr. Harrison Mwakyembe atoka MOI.

Kwa mujibu wa taarifa zilizopatika Ofisi ya uhusiano Taasisi ya Tiba ya Mifupa na Magonjwa ya Ajali(MOI), Mh. Harrison Mwakyembe aliruhusiwa jana saa na kuondoka hospitalini hapa majira ya saa mbili usiku. hii inaashria kwamba, kama alivyosema Pro. Kahamba ambaye ndiyo kiongozi wa madaktari waliomtibu, kwamba hali yake inaridhisha sana."Namshukuru Mungu kwa kunisuru katika ajali hii, na mengine yote ninaamuachia Mungu" alisema Dr. Mwakyembe baada ya kuulizwa na mwandishi kama anafikiria ajali hii imetokana na mkono wa mtu.
Wananchi wengi waliweka dhana kwamba ajali hiyo inawezekana imetokana na njama za watu hasa wanaojulikana kama 'mafisadi' kufuati kuwa kwake mstari wa mbele katika vita dhidi ya

Dr. Mwakyembe akiwasili MOI

Dr. Mwakyembe akiingizwa MOI

Dr. Mwakyembe akifanyiwa uchunguzi chumba cha majeruhi MOI

Dr. mwakyembe akiongea na waandishi wa habari

Dereva wa Dr. Mwakyembe

Kufuatia kupata unafuu Dr. Mwakyembe aliruhusiwa kurudi nyumbani jana saa 2 usiku.Tunamtakia Dr. Mwakyembe ahueni ya haraka!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dar Mapambazuko! Driving in Dar not for the Hot Tempered!

If you are hot tempered, think twice about driving in Dar because you might end up with a heart attack or do what the TPDF soldiers did the day before yesterday, they attacked the Traffic police Directing cars at the Ubungo traffic lights! Patience is the key word. Imagine, you have been on the jam for about 45 minutes, then the daladala driver on the wrong side of the road forces his way. Agh! You feel like strangling him! Few minutes later, the other car from from service roads forces its way, it nearly knocks your headlights.! Hii nini tena? Behind you is the lorry from upcountry, it seems not to have good brakes, and the driver is trying to stay some few metres from your car, because he is knows for sure the brakes might fail at any time! Yet the traffic jam does not move at all, you think of the meeting with your boss at exactly 7.00am. You become restless! uuwii!!This boss is going to eat me alive if am late! The only solution nawewe unajaribu kupita service road, mara trafiki katokea, you are about to be booked, unafanya 'mazungumzo' he is letting you free! Jamani udereva Dar yataka moyo! Kama huna moyo, ndio unaishia kufanya kama walivyofanya wenzetu wa ''jeiwii'' (TPDF), kumchapa trafiki ati wamecheleweshwa. kha!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

7 People Dead, 11 Injured in Road Crashes in Arusha!

Masalia ya gari aina ya Landcruiser baada ya ajali

SEVEN people died and eleven others were injured in two separate grisly road accidents which occured in Arusha yesterday.
Police in arusha said the first accident which claimed 5 lives and injured 9 people, occured around 6.30in the morning along the Rusha-Moshi highway, near Usa-River, some 26 kilometres east of Arusha. The crash happened when a lorry bearing Kenyan registration number KBH 742 C, travelling from moshi, collided with a toyota Landcruiser with registration number T366 AJL, travelling from Arusha to the Tanzanite deposit hills of Mererani.Arusha Regiona police Commander Basilio Matei said, the driver of the lorry, Hamisi Maulid 36, resident of Kiborloni suburb near Moshi, was trying to overtake other vehecles when he hit the oncoming Toyota Landcruiser.
The five who perished were all passengers in the ill-fated Toyota Landcruiser, and according to police reports, Tanzanite miners. The lorry Driver is said to have been arrested by police immediately after the collision.
Matei named the five whose lives were cut short as including, the toyota Land cruiser driver Mathayo Mushi. others are Omary Hiza Makuka 30, resident of majengo suburb in Arusha, Uswege Mwaipanga 27, from Sakina suburb, and Judica Mollel.
Frank Hamisi Mwakatobe 33, a resident of Sakina is reported to have succumbed to death, on arrival at the Mount Meru Hospital where some of the injured were rushed for treatment, according to Arusha Police chief.
RPC Matei said a Suzuki Vitara with registration number T323 AQV was involved in a collision at around 10.00pm, near Burka Coffee Estates, killing the driver one ebbo Lepere, and his passanger loti Klaine. The car overturned injuring two people whose names could not be identified. They are both admitted at Mount Meru Hospital, according to Matei.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Abiria 500 Wakwama Baada ya Behewa Kuanguka Moro!

Abiria takriban 500 waliokuwa wakitoka Dar es salaam kwa treni kuelekea Mkoani Kigoma jana walikwama kwa saa kadhaa katika stesheni ya Mororgoro baada ya treni ya mizigo kuanguka katika stesheni ya Godegode iliyopo katikati ya Kilosa na Dodoma.
Mkuu wa stesheni ya Morogoro, Flavian Nyawale alisema abiria walikwama katika kituo hicho, jana kuanzia saa 5.35 usiku baada ya treni hiyo ya Mizigo kuanguka saa 11.00 jioni Mei 17, mwaka huu na behewa moja kuziba njia wakati ikitokea jijini Dar es salaam.
Nyawale alisema abiria walitarajiwa kuondoka jana saa 1.00 usiku baada ya kukamilika kwa matengenezo ya njia katika eneo ambako ajali ya treni ya mizigo ilianguka.

Trafiki Hawajasimamia Amri ya Mikanda Katika Mabasi!

Kampeni ya kuweka mikanda na vinakili mwendo katika mabasi yote nchini inaendelea kwa kusuasua na kusababisha kikosi cha Usalama Barabarani kwa kushirikiana na Mamlaka ya Udhibiti wa Usafiri wa nchi Kavu na Majini (SUMATRA), kuongeza muda hadi miezi sita ili wahusika wakamilishe kazi hiyo, baada ya muda wa miezi sita ya awali kutozaa matunda.

Mkuu wa Kikosi hicho, James Komba alisema zoezi hilo halijakamilishwa kutokana na sababu mbalimbali ikiwemo ukaidi wa madereva na wamiliki wa mabasi kusembea agizo hilo wakati kazi hiyo haina gharama yoyote.

Kwa ujumla, taarifa hiyo ya kikosi hicho inaonyesha wazi kwamba, kampeni hiyo haina maana ndiyo sababu wameongeza muda bila kuchukua hatua zozote kwa wasiofanya hivyo kama kweli wamedhamiria kupambana na ajali zinazosababishwa na uzembe.

Mpaka sasa watu wengi wanakufa kwa ajali kutokana na uzembe unaosababishwa na madereva kuendesha mwendo wa kasi, pamoja na kutokuwa na vifaa vya kuwasaidia abiria kama vile mikanda katika viti.Hatudhani kuwa vifaa vya kunakili mwendo vinaweza kusaidia kwani, miaka ya nyuma, serikali tena kwa kusimamiwa na ofisi ya Waziri Mkuu waliendesha kampeni ya kuweka vidhibiti mwendo ambavyo havikusaidia.

Kama wamedhamiria kukabiliana na tatizo hilo wanatakiwa kusimamia kikamilifu amri hiyo na kuhakikisha utekelezaji wake unafanyika ndani ya muda uliowekwa, vinginevyo itakuwa sawa na mchezo wa kuigiza ( Source:

Pia Soma

Continental Crash Shows Safety May Have Price!

Selling paint at Home Depot can be more lucrative than flying a commercial airplane. That startling fact emerged last week after three days of hearings by the National Transportation Safety Board into the crash of Continental Express Flight 3407 on Feb. 12 near Buffalo, which killed 50 people.
Among the headlines: The flight's 24-year-old first officer, Rebecca Shaw, earned less than $17,000 in 2008, her first year on the job with Colgan Airlines, the Manassas, Va.-based carrier that flies regionally for Continental, US Airways, and United. (The company later said the pay figure was reported incorrectly during the hearings, and that Shaw actually made $23,900.) Her pay wasn't the only part of the crash narrative that raised warning flags for some. Testimony also described the captain's prior failings on inspection flights and Shaw's overnight "red-eye" commute to work.
Yet it was Shaw's situation that seemed the most gripping, raising these questions: With so many costs squeezed out of airlines in recent years, just how low can a cockpit salary go? And is the airline industry reaching the limits of an economic model that seems to have more in common with Wal-Mart than with a highly trained profession where safety must come before all else?

Dar's Rush Hour! Mapambazuko!

Hapa ni mapambazuko ndani ya jiji la Dar es salaam
Wengine katika mikokoteni haya!Ili mradi kumekucha kila mtu anaenda kutafuta riziki

Wengine usafiri wa chee au lifti kwa pick-up, ili mradi kufika katika sehemu za kazi
Ni saa ya mabasi kukimbizana na kuanza safari za kuelekea mikoani
Hii ndio hali ya Dar es salaam kunapopambazuka. Lakini kadri shughuli zinavyopamba moto na ndio hivyohivyo ajali zinavyogonga hodi!
Dar es salaam inachemka kama bahari!

Monday, May 18, 2009

No Helmet!Abiria Hawahitaji Kinga?

Ni hali ya kawaida katika sehemu mbalimbali kuona Mwendesha pikipiki anajikinga kichwa kwa kuvaa 'helmet' lakini abiria wake anatembea hivi hivi, kama inavyoonekana pichani. Ninachotaka kujua, sheria inasemaje kuhusu hilo? Na kama inakatazwa, mbona kila kukichwa tunaona watu hawa wakipita mbele ya askari wa usalama barabarani?


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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Death Drive!

AMSTERDAM: — A Dutchman who tried to drive his car into a bus carrying Queen Beatrix at a royal parade died from his injuries.

A military policeman hit by the vehicle as it plowed through a crowd also died, taking the toll among onlookers to six.
Mourners laid flowers at the monument in the city of apeldoorn
which the man's car hit after narrowly missing the open-top bus carrying Beatrix and her family.
The motive of the 38-year-old driver, identified by local media as Karst Tates
, was unclear. No weapons or explosives were found when police searched his house and there were no signs that others were involved in planning the attack.
Authorities plan an investigation into the security measures surrounding the parade, the Justice and Interior ministries said in a statement .
The public prosecutor said Tates died overnight. He had been charged with an attempted attack on the royal family and had told police he had deliberately targeted the royals.
The prosecutor said Tates came from Huissen, a small town about 40 km (25 miles) south of Apeldoorn.
Newspapers cited his neighbors as saying he was a withdrawn man who lived alone. He had lost his job at a security firm and was due to move house.
The military policeman died from his injuries, the Defense Ministry said. Eight people are still in hospital, with one woman in a critical condition following the attack on the Queen's Day national holiday.

Bajaj Owners told to Fix Seat Belts!

THE Surface and Marine Transport Authority(SUMATRA) has directed agents of Bajaj to fix seat belts on the tricycles as a safety measure.
SUMATRA DirectorbGeneral Israel Sekilasa issued the directive while addressing stakeholders discussing the Transport Licensing(Road Passenger Motorcycles and Tri-cycles) Regulations 2009, at the Karimjee Hall in Dar es salaam on Thursday.
The Parliament last year enacted a law legalising commercial use of Bajaj in a move aimed at easing urban transport. SUMATRA is currently drafting regulations to guide application of the new law.
Mr. Sekilasa said in other countries passengers using Bajaj fasten seat belts and the practice has helped to reduce deaths and severe injury during accidents. ''The same can be applied in the country", he said.
Mr. Sekilasa said between January and March, this year, 591 accidents involving the tri-cycles occured in the country. "Injury in such accidents could have been minimised by fastening seat belts", he said.
Mr. Sekilasa also ordered passengers on Bajaj to use the door on the left, when boarding or alighting from the vehicles.He said the door on the right should be sealled off with iron bars.
A marketing Officer with David Pieris International Limited, a Bajaj sole agent in the country, said they would ensure that all tri-cycles imported into the country have seat bealts.
Traffic Police Commander James Kombe said the issue of seat belts and iron bars on the Bajaj had no discussion. He said from September, the Police Force would impound vehicles that fail to comply with SUMATRA's directives.
He told Bajaj drivers not to carry more than three passengers.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Low Flying Planes Near Statue of Liberty Scared New Jersey and N.Y. Workers

It was a secret mission, set up by the Department of Defense and coordinated with the Federal Aviation Administration. Federal, state and local law enforcement agencies throughout the region were notified last week, with the strict warning not to share the information with anyone but those needed to know"

The carefully choreographed flight of the presidential aircraft, accompanied by a single Air Force F-16, set off a panic on both sides of New York Harbor, as thousands of workers -- still haunted by the memories of 9/11 -- fled their high-rise office buildings at the unexpected sight of the huge, low-flying passenger jet over the Hudson River. Trailed closely by a military fighter, the plane could be seen turning tightly over the Statue of Liberty for what was later described as a "photo op."
AP Photo/Jason McLaneIn this image, taken with a cell phone by Jason McLane, the primary presidential aircraft, a Boeing 747 known as Air Force One when the president is aboard, flies low over New York Harbor, followed by an F-16 chase plane during a federal government photo op
An Obama administration official told the Associated Press late today the flyover was done because the White House Military Office wanted to update its file photo of the president's plane near the Statue of Liberty.
The official said the military office told the Federal Aviation Administration it periodically updates file photos of Air Force One near national landmarks, like the statute in New York harbor and the Grand Canyon.
The call sign of the special flight was "Venus 1."
The president was not on board the signature blue-and-white jet, which many on the ground never associated with the iconic Boeing 747 called Air Force One when he flies it.
An FAA spokesman said the fly-over "was approved and coordinated with everyone," with notifications made to the New York City Police Department, the mayor's office, the New Jersey State Police, and other agencies.
However, a confidential security memo that went out last week by the FAA's Air Traffic System Operations Security office -- while acknowledging "the possibility of public concern regarding Department of Defense aircraft flying at low levels," instructed that all information about the flight be kept confidential, and not to be released to the public or media.
"The information in this document is considered FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY, and should only be shared with persons with a need to know," the memo declared.
Louis Caldera, Director of the White House Military Office, expressed regret for the flight.
"Last week, I approved a mission over New York. I take responsibility for that decision," he said in a statement released by the White House. "While federal authorities took the proper steps to notify state and local authorities in New York and New Jersey, it's clear that the mission created confusion and disruption. I apologize and take responsibility for any distress that flight caused."
I apologize and take responsibility for any distress that flight caused."
Staten Island Advance/Bill LyonsScores of office workers in Lower Manhattan leave their buildings after being evacuated following an incident involving a low flying government airplane.
Both jets left Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland at about 9:30 a.m., where the specially fitted 747s -- are maintained by the Presidential Airlift Group. The aircraft were to make at least two, and possibly three fly-by passes over the Statue of Liberty, and then return to Andrews.
A Department of Transportation official said the FAA was told it was "a classified operation" and not to be publicly divulged.
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, meanwhile, sharply criticized the flight, saying the photo-op showed "poor judgment" and was insensitive. The planes appeared to follow the same flight path as the hijacked airliners that crashed into the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001.
A spokesman for Gov. Jon Corzine said it was a federal matter and had no comment.
Office workers in Jersey City's financial district said the eerie sight of the two planes rekindled nerves still raw from the memories of Ground Zero, and immediately set off panic. One witness said it was not immediately clear the presidential plane was anything more than a wayward civilian 747, and thought the fighter jet that accompanied it looked less like an escort and than a flight of pursuit.
Outside the Grove Street PATH station in Jersey City, about three dozen nervous office workers stood outside, some looking up at the blue sky. Others could be seen on the rooftops of nearby residential buildings, also gazing upward. One woman talked on her cell phone, assuring the person on the other end of the line she was all right. When she hung up, she declared, "I'm not going back in there," then hustled away.
Marc Vitoulis, who escaped his office in the North Tower on the day of the World Trade Center attacks, said he grew uneasy when he started hearing the loud drone of the two aircraft around 10 a.m.
"People said, 'Get out.' They were just saying, 'Get the heck out,'" said Vitoulis, an engineer at Barclays Capital on Hudson Street in Jersey City. Vitoulis said he grabbed his bag, rushed down eight flights of stairs and exited the building, where he joined hundreds of other people on the promenade.
The photos shows Workers leaving offices.

When he found out later the flyby was part of a photo shoot, Vitoulis said he was angry.
"The insanity of not telling the people about what was happening before a flyby -- just a simple warning --who are the boneheads?" he asked.
Several doors down, at the offices of Lord Abbett, a mutual fund, Scott McNeil was just relieved to be alive. McNeil said he panicked as soon as he heard on the radio that there was plane circling over the Hudson. He grabbed his radio and Blackberry --leaving his laptop at his desk --and ran for the stairwell.
"I looked out the window, and I was out instantly," said McNeil, 35, of Long Hill Township. "I didn't waste any time whatsoever."
Carol Pancaldo, 40, who from her 28th floor office had watched the World Trade towers tumble nearly eight years ago, said she just saw the tail of a plane and ran for the stairwell.
"You're thinking," Oh God, don't crash into my building," said Pancaldo, from Elmwood Park, an analyst for Kuehne & Nagel, also in Jersey City.
The walk down the 28 flights of stairs with about 150 of her colleagues seemed to take "forever," Pancaldo said, because nobody knew what was happening outside.
She expressed outrage when she learned of the planes were there for a photo shoot.
"Really, though. After 9/11?" she said.
Staff writers Alexi Friedman and Brian Whitley contributed to this report.

Mauti! Death!

Wananchi wakimshangaa dereva wa baiskeli aliyegongwa lori linaloonekana pembeni na kupoteza maisha.
(bicyclist dead after beeing knocked by a lorry)

Mombasa Raha! Mh!!

Maneno yaliyopo ubavuni mwa basi hili yanasema "Mombasa Raha!" Wadau mnasemaje kuhusu hayo?

Friday, May 15, 2009

Mtaalam wa 'Nusu-Kaputi' Muhimbili Agongwa na Kufa!

Bakari Atilio mkazi wa Mabibo na mfanyakazi wa kitengo cha nusu kaputi cha hospitali ya Taifa Muhimbili, amefariki baada ya kugongwa na gari. Mkasa wenyewe ulikuwa kama hivi:

Mashuhuda wamesema kwamba Bakari alikuwa akiendesha gari lenye namba za usajili T 438 ARN maeneo ya mabibo aligongwa na gari ndogo 'taxi' kwa nyuma. aliamua kushuka katika gari lake ili kuangalia uharibifu uliotokana na kugongwa. Mashuhuda wanasema, dereva wa taxi hiyo alirudi nyuma na kukanyaga mafuta hivyo alimgonga na kumburuza hadi chini ya gari.
Kufuatana na ajali hiyo, alivunjika mguu wa kulia(ankle joint), mfupa mkubwa wa paja(femur),mfupa wa shingo(cervical),mbavu na majeraha ya ndani ya mwili(visceral injury).Pamoja na jitihada kubwa za madaktari wa MOI, Bakari alipoteza maisha.Pichani Bw. Bakari akipatiwa matibabu ya dharura.
Ni kitendo cha kusikitisha sana na cha kikatili kilichafanywa na dereva huyo. Tunamwomba Mungu ailaze Roho ya Marehemu mahali pema peponi. Amin.

Majeruhi Ajali ya Kibaha Bado wapo ICU MOI!

Gari la abiria lililogongwa la lori la kokoto lenye namba za usajili T873 AANY
Venosa Liseki ambaye bado yupo ICU, hali yake bado tete
Majeruhi ambaye bado hajatambulika jina mpaka sasa, na bado ndugu hawajajitokeza. Anakadiriwa kuwa na umri wa miaka 39-40.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ubovu wa Barabara Wakwamisha Msafara wa Waziri Mkuu Mara Tatu Rukwa!

MSAFARA wa Waziri Mkuu Mizengo Pinda ulichelewa kwa zaidi ya saa tatu kufika kwenye kijiji cha Muze katika bonde la Rukwa kwa sababu ya kukwama njiani mara tatu kutokana na utelezi.
Tukio lilitokea juzi asubuhi wakati akitoka Sumbawanga mjini kwenda kijijini hapo kukagua Chama cha Akiba na Mikopo (SACCO) cha Muze na kuzungumza na wananchi akiwa njiani kwenda Mamba, wilayani Mpanda kwa ziara ya siku mbili jimboni kwake.
Katika hali ya kawaida, safari ya kuteremka bonde la Rukwa ingechukua saa moja au pungufu ya hapo. Baadhi ya magari yaliyonasa katika utelezi huo ni gari la RPC, gari la walinzi na la Wasaidizi wa Waziri Mkuu.
Utelezi huo ulitokana na mvua zilizonyesha usiku wa kuamkia jana huku barabara aliyopita ya Ntendo hadi Muze ikiwa imemwagiwa kifusi ambacho kilikuwa kimeanza kusambazwa lakini hakijashindiliwa. Barabara hiyo ina urefu wa kilometa 37, lakini sehemu korofi ilikuwa na umbali wa kilometa 15.
Meneja wa TANROADS wa mkoa wa Rukwa, Mhandisi Joseph Nyamhanga alisema barabara hiyo ilikuwa inafanyiwa ukarabati wa awali, ili iweze kufikia kiwango cha barabara zilizo chini ya mradi wa kuzikarabati barabara ili zipitike muda wote ambao ni wa miaka mitano (Source: Mwananchi).

Stranded Driver in the Middle of the the Road!

Hii ilitokea jana usiku katika makutano ya Sam Nujoma Road na barabara itokay Chuo Kikuu Mlimani. Eneo hili lina taa za kuongozea magari, lakini kutokana na msongamano wa magari huwa inatokea kwamba kila mtu anajiona ana haki ya kupita hata kama taa nyekundu inawaka.
Anayeonekana pichani ni dereva ambaye alichoshwa na uhuni uliokuwa unafanyika, akaamua kuacha gari yake na kuanza kuongoza magari.Je lini madereva bongo watastaarabika?

Kubeba Watoto Katika Baiskeli!

Mara nyingi nimekutana na waendesha baiskeli wakiwa wamewabeba watoto katika kiti cha nyuma cha baiskeli. Leo asubuhi saa 12.30 nimemuona huyu bwana katika picha(bofya picha) akiwa amembeba mtoto(angalia mshale) ambaye alikuwa anaonekana aidha amechoka au ana usingizi wa kuamshwa asubuhi sana kuwahi shule.Ninachoona mimi, huyu mtoto mikono yake haina nguvu kama ya mtu mzima, njia anayopita ni ina mashimo mashimo na inarusha kiasi kwamba huyu mtoto anaweza kuachia na kudondoka. Naomba tunapoona hilo tukemee ili kunusuru maisha ya watoto kama huyu.

DART Blah! Blah!
Ahmedabad : A five-member team from Tanzania will get a first-hand look at the ongoing Bus Rapid Transit System (BRTS) project in the city. The team is on a study tour in preparation for launching Dar Rapid Transit (DART), a similar system in East Africa.
The DART team has already taken a look at successfully running BRTS projects in Bogota and Curitiba. DART is the government authority of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania that will oversee the bus system for the city having around 3.5 million residents.
The delegation will be headed by regional commissioner of Dar es Salaam William Lukuvi. The team includes Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, Omar Chambo and DART Chief Executive Cosmas Takule, Director of Systems and Operations Enoch Kitandu and Director of Transport Asteria Mlambo.
Says Municipal Commissioner IP Gautam, "We receive one or two requests from different state governments in the country and abroad to see our BRTS project."A robust urban transport system has gained in importance for proper development and management of traffic in cities across the globe, he adds. BRTS system ensures dedicated bus corridors, physically segregated lanes, pre-paid ticketing system and level boarding, among other facilities.
(Source: Times of India as seen on Faustine's Baraza blog).

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Hii ni mandhari ya jiji la Dar es salaam kunapopambazuka. Inavutia sio?Sisi wenye nafasi ya kuona haya mapambazuko si kwa kupenda, bali ni katika harakati za kukimbia msongamano wa magari unaowakwaza wakazi wa jiji hili.
Nafikiri modernization of Dar Roads utatukomboa. Au wadau wa kule Kimara, Mbezi, Kibamba, Tegeta, Segerea, Ukonga Mnasemaje?
(Sunrise in the city of Dar es salaam)

Ajali Mbaya Kibaha Kwa Matias!

Kuna taarifa kwamba ajali mbaya imetokea maeneo ya Kibaha kwa Mathias, inasemekana watu wawili wamefariki papo hapo na mmoja amefariki akiwa njiani kuelekea taasisi ya tiba ya Mifupa Muhimbili(MOI).Ajali hiyo imetokea baada lori(fuso) la mchanga kugonga pikipiki na hatimaye kwenda kugonga gari la abiria aina ya 'hiace' lililokuwa na abiria.
Waliofikishwa MOI ni Venosa Liseki(32) ambaye ameumia kichwa na kuvunjika mguu wa kulia na mwingine ni mwanaume ambaye jina halikuweza kupatikana kwa kuwa amepoteza fahamu.
Pichani kulia ni majeruhi Venosa Liseki na kushoto ni majeruhi ambaye hajatambulika.

Miundo Mbinu Duni!

Gari la mizigo likiwa limezama katika matope kufuatana na mvua zinazoendelea kunyesha katika sehemu mbalimbali za nchi (Source:Mwananchi)

Modernisation of Dar Roads to Begin 2015!

Modernised road network in Dar es salaam will begin to take shape 2015, the City Director, Mr. Bakari Kingobi, told the 'Daily News' Monday.

Mr. Kingobi said the city needed over Tshs 4.2trillion to improve its road infrastructure to accomodate growing traffic demand by 2030.

Mr. Kingobi said in an interview that a recent study had found out that the average vehicle travel speed was 25.6 kms per hour and that it would be decreased to 10 kms per hour in 2030, if nothing was done to improve the infrastructure.

According to him, Japanese International Cooperation Agency(JICA) has suggested that the implementation of the plan be executed in two phases, first in 2015 and another in 2030.

In the the first phase he said, 149kms of roa needed to be expanded, construction of the five fly-overs and a traffic managementsystem in central business district. JICA estimated the cost in the phase at Tshs.693billion.

"A total of 1,091kms of roads (including phase one) the proposed express way, tested and confirmed to be important and confirmed to accomodate the traffic demand within the city by 2030. The estimate total cost(phase I and II) projects is Tshs 4.2Trillion, he said".

The strategies proposed in short-term, medium and long-term include the construction of a road parellel to Ali Hassan Mwinyi by land reclamation at Salander Bridge area,establishment of the city Urban Transport Authority, Ubungo, Tazara and Bandari junction flyovers followed by Mwenge and Magomeni.

Others include establishment of the Dar es salaam Transport Authority, the Dar es salaam Urban Development Agency and the involvement of private sectors among others.

following the government's request, Japan through JICA in February 2007 selected a consortium of consultants, consisting of Pacific Consultants International and Construction Project Consultants Inc, both of Tokyo to make a study.

The study team initiated technical efforts since April, 2007 and completed the study in June, last year and final report handed over officially to Dar es salaam City Council on behalf of the government in November, last year (Source: Daily News).

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Death Escape!

HOW WE ESCAPED DEATH:" It is through God's Grace and professionalism by the pilot tha we survived the crash...We were lucky that the plane did not explode on impact".
Police Boss Major-Gen. Hussein Ali(facing camera),Rift Valley PC Hassan Noor Hassan and assistant minister Orwa Ojodeh walk away fro the scene of the accident.
A split second decision by the pilot of a police helicopter to crash-land on buildings saved a high-powered team of top government officials.The decision also averted a serious accident that may have killed people in a huge crowd that had just attended a public rally addressed by two cabinet ministers in Kipchoge Keino Stadium in Kapsabet town.
When he realised that the helicopter was loosing power at a critical stage during lift off, Captain Patrick Mugane considered two quick options: To turn to the stadium where a huge crowd had gathered and risk the possibility of crash-landing on people, or crash on buildings. He chose to land on the buildings in a prison farm and saved all 28 people on board and the huge crowd on the ground, which included cabinet Ministers George Saitoti and Chris Obure, among other diginitaries. (Source:

Anateseka baada ya Kugongwa na Pantoni!

Pili Saidi, 46, mkazi wa Kigamboni, akisimulia mkasa uliompata wa kugongwa na pantoni ya ya Mv magogoni mwaka jana, akiwa kama abiria na ilipokosa mwelekeo na kuanza kuyumba, alisukumwa na wakati akianguka ikamgonga.Anasema kuna mtu alipoteza maisha katika tukio hilo.

Ajali hiyo, ilipelekea yeye kuvunjika mguu wa kushoto, kung'oka baadhi ya meno, kuteguka mkono na kuteguka kiuno. Pili, anasema kwamba amekuwa akihangaika kimaisha kwa kuwa tangu aumie katika ajali hiyo amekuwa ni mtu wa kuhangaika kwani hawezi tena kufanya kitu chochote cha kujipatia riziki. "Nimekuwa mtu wa kuhangaika sana ndio maana nilienda ofisi ya Waziri Mkuu ili nipatiwe msaada wa matibabu. Unavyoniona hapa nimetoka ofisi ya Waziri Mkuu kuchukua barua ya kupatiwa matibabu bure MOI".

Huyu mama anasikitisha sana, kwani anayemhudumia ni bibi mtu mzima anayeonekana kuwa na umri wa kama miaka 80 au zaidi(ametokea kidogo pichani).

Ninachojiuliza mimi, kwanini Bima isichukue jukumu la kumpatia msaada huyu mama kulingana na malipo anayotarajia kupata kama hicho kivuko kina Bima? Na je, kama hakina Bima, nani anastahili kulipa fidia ya kuumia kwa huyu mama? Wadau karibuni kwa michango ili tumsaidie Mama Pili Saidi.

Monday, May 11, 2009

DPP Stolen Car Found in Zambia

The Director of Public Prosecution(DPP), Mr. Eliezer Feleshi's motor vehicle with registration number STK 502 that was stolen on march 5, this year with six sets of computers has been found in Zambia.
Dar essalaam Special Zone Police Commander Suleiman Kova, tols reporters in Dar es salaam that the vehicle was seized by the police in Zambia in collaboration with their Dar es salaam counterpart on May 1, this year.
The DPP vehicle was stolen at Tabata area in Ilala district around 9pm.
According to Mr.Kova the vehicle had the six sets of computers which were to be transported to some regionalpolice offices. The vehicle was being driven b6y Ali Ramadhan, who according to Mr. Kova, parked it a a wrong place.
He said that the driver was instructed to park it at the central Police but he left it at Tabata where the appliances were stolen.
He said police in Zambia arrested 4 suspected bandits in connection with the incident bringing to 12 the number of suspects arrested so far.
others were arrested by police in Dar es salaam on April 27, this year.
Mr. Kova declined to mention the names of the suspected robbers on grounds that the police were still conducting the investigations.
He also said the suspects were members of an organized crime network that involved Zambians and Tanzanians.

It is Scary, Not for the Faint Hearted!

In the picture, the victim was car jacked in Johannesburg South Africa, 'the murder capital of the world'. Robbers beat the victim in the picture and then tied him down and gragged him behind his own BMW until the police pulled them over and arrested the suspects. The victim lived to tell his story. It has been said that the victim was recovering at a local hospital
(source: www.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Three Die in Dar separate Accidents!

Three people died and several others were injured in separate accidents which occured in Dar es salaam on wednesday.
Special Zone police Commander Mr. Suleiman Kova said two road accidents killed two people, leaving three others injured.
The first accident occured along Bagamoyo Road at Mbezi Interchik area, and it involved a Toyota Hiace with registration number T265 AZT which was  being driven by Mwalimu Mohamed(32) a resident of Manzese.
He said the car is said to have hit a truck with registration number T506 ACZ which was being driven by a resident of Tandale, Yusuf Ibrahim(35).
The other accident which occured at Temeke Njia Panda area, a car with registration number T853 AML Toyota Hiace hit Zubeda Abdallah(11), killing her instantly
(source:The Daily News).

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