Tuesday, November 15, 2011

20th November 2011:World Remembrance Day of Road Crash Victims!

(Copyright: River Springs ConneXions)

The World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims was started by RoadPeace in 1993. Since then it has been observed and promoted worldwide by several NGOs, including the European Federation of Road Traffic Victims (FEVR) and its associated organizations.

On 26th October 2005, the United Nations endorsed it as a global day to be observed every third Sunday in November each year, making it a major advocacy day for road traffic injury prevention. WHO and the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration encourage governments and NGOs around the world to commemorate this day.
MY TAKE:"This is appropriate day of acknowledgement for victims of road traffic crashes and their families, I hope, the day will be commemorated by giving support to the victims with post-trauma disabilities and their lives are in total mess. Demonstrations, speeches and songs won't help these people.
Likewise, I would be more than happy if the Police force will come up with strategies to curb escalating accident statistics in the country".

Road Humps: Are There Any Standards?

(Copyright: River Springs ConneXions)
In the photo you can see a speed hump or commonly known as ''speed bumps''. It has been a common practice for road contractors to fix the bumps as a way of controlling over speeding. But I have been asking myself,'Are these humps erected according to a certain standard?'' I am asking this due to the fact that some of them are so big to make a small car go side ways to avoid damaging some parts under the car.In the picture are small humps but fixed few feet apart,others are just one but so huge. Can anyone help on this please?
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