Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hili La Matuta Kimara Limewakera Wengi!

Nimekutana na hii barua ya msomaji katika gazeti la Mwananchi inayogusia uwekaji wa matuta katika barabara mbalimbali za jiji la Dar es salaam.
"Mimi kama mmoja wa waathirika wa mkasa wa kukwama katika Barabara ya Morogoro,kutokana na ujenzi wa matuta Kimara, Dar es salaam.
Niikerwa na mfumo wa maofisa wanaohusika, wakiwemo polisi na wakala wa Barabara Tanzania(Tanroads), kuruhusu ujenzi huo kufanyika wakati ambao wazungu wanauita 'pick-hour' yaani ule ambao unakuwa na msongamano mkubwa wa magari na kuacha siku kama za jumapili na kuiga nchi zilizoendelea kama Uingereza,ambazo hufanya ujenzi kama huo usiku wa manane wakati hakuna magari mengi.
Hii inaonyesha jinsi tusivyojali wengine, mkandarasi husika alijali fedha na kuwaweka vibarua kufanya kazi hiyo mchana bila kufikiria usumbufu aliousababisha. Hii ni mara ya pili kufanyika hivyo na usumbufu huwa wa kiasi hicho lakini wahusika wanafumbia macho".
Barua imeandikwa katika gazeti la Mwananchi na
Mtazamo wangu: Nikiwa mmoja wa waathirika wa usumbufu uliotokea siku hiyo, namuunga mkono mwandishi wa barua hii, kwakweli Tanroads walistahili kutuomba radhi kwa usumbufu wa siku ile. Tulikaa masaa manne barabarani mpaka askari wa usalama barabarani walipoingilia kati na kusimamisha ujenzi huo.

Marufuku Askari Kuwapoka Madereva Leseni

Polisi mkoani Arusha imepiga marufuku tabia ya baadhi ya askari wa kikosi cha Usalama Barabarani, kuwapokonya funguo na kadi za magari, madereva wanaokiuka sheria za usalama barabarani.
Msimamo huo ulitolewa hivi karibuni na Kamanda wa Polisi wa Mkoa wa Arusha, Matei Basilio, alipokuwa akizungumza katika sherehe za kufunga Wiki ya Nenda Kwa Usalama.
Alisema kumekuwepo na malalamiko juu ya baadhi ya askari wa kikosi hicho kuwapokonya madereva funguo na vitu vingine kutoka kwenye magari, jambo ambalo ni kosa.
"...Kama dereva amefanya makosa afikishwe polisi au alipe faini na kama itakuwa lazima basi afikishwe katika ngazi za juu badala ya kumpokonya leseni au kitu kingine", alisema Basilio.
Source: Mwananchi
Mtazamo wangu: Nashukuru Kamanda Basilio ameliongelea hili kwa sababu inakera sana kuona askari wa usalama barabarani anamnyang'anya dereva wa daladala ufunguo huku akiwa amebeba abiria. Kwanini asimwambie dereva akashushe abiria halafu aipeleke gari kituo husika? Hii inaonyesha ni jinsi gani watanzania tusivyojaliana. Tamko la Kamanda Basilio linastahili pongezi.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Spotlight: Unnecessary Traffic Jams!

(Copyright: River Springs ConneXions)
From Ubungo to Kibaha, this area is becoming "traffic-jam-prone-areas", but if you ask me, these jams are due to negligence and lack of creativity in problem solving, for example Tanroads was supposed to have a heavey duty 'winch' to remove lorries which breakdown along the road as seen on the photo, so that other users could continue using the road without a hitch. The lorry on the photo, remained in the area for the whole day, this caused jams unnecessarily.
I stand to be corrected, but much as i know, this is a highway how come bumps are everywhere in a highway? If you ask, they tell you bumps are fixed to reduce accidents! Sure? How come there are alot of bumps from Kimara Stop over to Mbezi Mwisho, yet people are knocked down by cars almost everyday.
I think Tanroads Research Unit, if at all they have, should do its homework effectively to come with good solutions rather than just fixing bumps which are now a pain on the neck.

Driving Upcountry 4: Coast region!

(Copyright: River Springs ConneXions)
From Ubungo to Kibaha, this area is becoming "traffic-jam-prone-areas", but if you ask me, these jams are due to negligence and lack of creativity in problem solving, for example Tanroads was supposed to have a heavey duty 'winch' to remove lorries which breakdown along the road as seen on the photo, so that other users could continue using the road without a hitch. The lorry on the photo, remained in the area for the whole day, this caused jams unnecessarily.
I stand to be corrected, but much as i know, this is a highway how come bumps are everywhere in a highway? If you ask, they tell you bumps are fixed to reduce accidents! Sure? How come there are alot of bumps from Kimara Stop over to Mbezi Mwisho, yet people are knocked down by cars almost everyday.
I think Tanroads Research Unit, if at all they have, should do its homework effectively to come with good solutions rather than just fixing bumps which are now a pain on the neck.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Traffic Police on the Highways and Their Questionable Perfomance!

(Copyright: River Springs ConneXions) 
On Chalinze-Segera Road
(Copyright: River Springs ConneXions) 
On Morogoro-Iringa Road

(Copyright: River Springs ConneXions) 
On Iringa-Mafinga Road
May be you have seen them on various highways as shown above. They stop cars and ask weird questions, which indicates motives for bribery.
They hide under the trees or behind other stopped cars and when you approach they come out of hiding and order you to stop suddenly without even considering the speed of the car.
They stand in the middle of the road which could cause accident for them to be knocked down.
Have you witnessed any of these or more? Please share with us your experience with traffic police on highwhays.

Traffic Police halt Bumps Erection at Kimara!(Tanroads Should Apologize!).

Traffic police have halted road bumbs construction at Mbezi and Kimara Temboni in Dar es salaam, after the exercise had caused untold inconvinience to road users on Monday.
Dar es salaam Regional Traffic Commander, Vitus Nikata, said yesterday that they have advised Tanroads to stop construction of the bumps, until the police and Tanroads agree on appropriate day and time to carry out the exercise, with minimum disturbance to road users.
Mbezi and kimara Temboni residents had to spend up to five hours on the road on Monday,due to unprecedented traffic jam resulting from construction of the bumps.
Tanroads officials could not be reached yesterday for comment, but erection of the bumps was Tanroads response to demands of residents ofd the area, follwing frequent accidents by speeding cars.
Source: The daily News.
YeS!: Being the victim of what happened on that day, I think Tanroads need to be serious! We arrived at Ubungo Traaffic Lights at around 8pm, I spent more than 4 hours on the road to arrive at Kimara-Temboni at exactly 12.00pm!
I cant imagine why Tanroads did this to us? They know for sure monday is the busiest day, why did they do what they were doingon that material day? they could that on Saturday or Sunday? Or why didnt they do that during the night? For sure Tanroads flopped on this.
They show us that their 'research Unit' (if at all they have) does not perform its task efficiently because they could at least know when and at what time time to do that without havoc to road users.
Tanroads should apologize to us, what they did is not acceptable in any civilized world!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hali Hii Mpaka Lini! It is Scary!-6

(Copyright: River Springs ConneXions)
The victim of road traffic accident found at the "Emergencies and Accidents" room of the Muhimbili Orthopaedic Institute(MOI). The cause? reckless driving!

Street Literature!

(Copyright: River Springs ConneXions)
The message from this lorry says "Kua Uyaone" this is a message or rather a saying when parents tell their kids or from the older generation to the younger generation that "Grow up and see more" .

Friday, October 2, 2009

Wanafunzi Walala Barabrani Baada ya Mwenzao Kugongwa!

Habari nilizozipata hivi punde zinasema kwamba, leo jioni majira ya saa kumi jioni mwanafunzi mmoja wa shule ya sekondari aligongwa na gari maeeo ya Mbezi kwa musuguri. Mashuhuda wanasema aligongwa na gari aina ya Toyota Landcruiser ambalo lilikuwa katika mwendo wa kasi. Inasemekana baada ya ajali hiyo, dereva wa gari hilo hakusimama alitokomea.
Kufuatia tukio hilo wanafunzi wanaosoma na mwanafunzi huyo,waliamua kulala katikati ya barabara jambo ambalo lilisababisha foleni kutoka Mbezi kwa Musuguri hadi ubungo na kupelekea askari kuelekea eneo hilo na kufyatua mabomu ya kutoa machozi.

Driving Upcountry 3: Dodoma Region!

Recently me and my colleagues drove to Dodoma Region, It was a trip full of adventures, and my camera was ready for action. The following are some of the shots i would like to share with you!

(Copyright: River Springs ConneXions) 
It is Sunset!
(Copyright: River Springs ConneXions) 
This one was taken at 'pandambili'

(Copyright: River Springs ConneXions) 
Look!Need say anymore?

(Copyright: River Springs ConneXions) 
A convoy of South African tourists with their '4-wheel-drive-monsters'

(Copyright: River Springs ConneXions)

(Copyright: River Springs ConneXions)
Of course you can't miss wrong-packed lorries like these two. Of late, these lorries have been a major cause of accidents in our highways. Look, there are no clear signs to show that the lorries are not on the a situation like this, we will see more and more accidents. something should done, really!

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